
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hello Cupcake!!

Today I'm surrounded by vanilla cupcake ingredients as I'm baking 200 cupcakes for our school movie night fundraiser tomorrow evening.

I've only been going for two hours and I've already licked my fingers that many times, I feel sick from the sugar rush.

So I thought I'd share these gorgeous images of cupcakes. Mine won't look like these though - the movie is Toy Story 3 so my kids and I have cut out heaps of little pictures of the movie characters and we'll glue them on to toothpicks and use them as cake toppers. I'll post some photos on facebook when we're done.

And some of my own creations

Well it's back to the kitchen for this little Martha Stewart....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fiona,

    Great work on the 200 cupcakes! What would the school do without you?

    See you at the movie



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