
Monday, September 30, 2013

Recent vintage finds

I love taking a little time out on the weekend to stroll around vintage markets to search for vintage pieces. Luckily I live about a ten minute stroll from the fabulous Rozelle markets. I thought you might like to see some of my recent finds.

I have a real thing for vintage cutlery. We use bone handled knives a lot for buttering bread, for the children's meals and for cheese etc. I love the feel of the smooth worn bone in my hand and never mind hand washing them.  I bought this whole lot from different vendors a few Saturdays ago, total cost about $15. Some of the knives have never been used. The carvings on the fish knives are beautiful.

We also found these little dessert spoons. Two different designs but that's fine by me. They are larger than a teaspoon but not the normal dessert spoon size. I was delighted as I always think a normal dessert spoon is too big when eating dessert anyway. We got them for $12 for the lot.

I also bought tarnished old teapot that I had styled on the white hall cabinet. It's currently full of roses from our garden. So beautiful.  I took the photo below with teapot spun around to show you the speckled pink back of the rose. 

As we were leaving the markets we spied this little butter dish tucked away under a pile of other things and asked the price. $5 people! I didn't even ask for a better deal. I love it and am tempted to use it as a soap holder in the bathroom.

Do you love searching markets for old junk? What's your favourite way to unwind? I think I need a few suggestions as have been feeling a little overwhelmed lately. I need to meditate again...

Fiona xx


  1. After a crazy day at work I like to stop at our local thrift store and see what kind of treasures I can find. Some days the pickings are slim. Other days I feel like I have hit the lottery. Just a couple of weeks ago I got there and started digging in a bin. I found 2 gorgeous silver plate pitchers. One is now filled with sunflowers and mums and the other is up on the hutch.

    I am a huge fan of meditation. Maybe it is a throwback to my youth but when I get to my blue center (I call it "my God place") everything slips away and if I can maintain that for about 10 minutes or so, I am fully relaxed and somehow strangely comforted. It is just the thing I need when I am stressed.

    1. Thanks Suzan, I used to meditate every night and really think I need to get back to it. I also need to reduce the amount of work I am saying yes to. it's a bit out of control at the moment but we are heading to the beach for holidays soon so I can't wait!. Love a good thrift store peruse also.

  2. Bone handled knives remind me of my grandparents. I love all your finds!!
    I unwind through beach walks, and yoga. I can be quite anxious, and my job can be busy and crazy and overwhelming. I definitely notice when I haven't made time to walk and do yoga-and it's often when I am busy and stressed that I 'don't have time', and it turns into a bit of a cycle.
    Hope you find your own way to unwind!

    1. My mum used bone handled knives also. My sister and I both really love them.
      We are headed to the beach soon and I am looking forward to some long walks.the beach is definitely my happy place.
      thanks so much for your lovely comments, Ness. I really appreciate them
      Fiona x

  3. I am so envious of your silver spoons you found I am desperately looking for some to do some stamping on but no luck so far.I just to relax by going into the garden and weeding and tidying it now I cant get down there so I have to just sit back and admire it -love dee x

    1. stamping them is a great idea!
      I love watering the garden also, weeding not so much
      hope all is going well
      Fiona x

  4. love the teapot and your use of it as a vase! so pretty!

  5. Great finds! I have a bone-handled fish set from my grandmother - so timeless. My brother always tells me to sit under a big old tree - he feels it "grounds" you. Looking at flowers in a garden also helps me - anything close to nature. Hope you become under-whelmed real soon!

  6. Great finds Fiona! Yesterday at French Folie I found the most gorgeous 4 piece vintage silver plated tea set for $40! Love it... Am planning on going to the Rozelle markets this weekend for the first time can't wait... Bone handled knives remind me of my Nan and Grandma.


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