
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rustic Painted Cabinet in ASCP Old White

I've been working very hard for the last few months and I have so many projects to share with you. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth keeping up my blog as there isn't a lot of interaction here compared to facebook and Instagram but I get a lot of my clients from google searches and I also like being able to share my projects and furniture painting knowledge in a longer blog format than the brief social media posts.

A little project I did this week was to paint a very rustic chest of drawers that a client uses for her sewing paraphernalia. It's just a fabulous piece of vintage furniture that had lived a hard working honourable life. I think it's a piece that was hand made in someone shed.The little legs are new additions but work very well. After some discussion with my clients on what look they wanted for the piece, we decided on ASCP Old White and to leave the timber handles with their original painted finish. The little round knobs on the central small drawers are brass and my clients husband wants to buff them up.

This piece had so many scratches and dings and rough edges that there was no way I wanted to sand it right back and loose all that history. I did sand the piece before painting to remove some of the more recent damage and also prepare the timber for painting. I then sanded the piece before and during the waxing process so the paint was smooth and so that the edges were authentically distressed.

I'm a big believer in letting the furniture speak for itself and this piece needed to stay rustic!

Another piece of furniture refreshed with paint and another happy customer. Just what I like!

have a good week
Fiona xx

Products Used
ASCP Old White
ASCP Clear Wax


  1. oooh i LOVE this one! what a great shape and love the color and contrast!!

  2. Looks great! Please keep up the blog, I for one read it religiously. When it appears in my email, I can read the whole thing but not comment unless I click further to get to the actual blog page. Maybe that's why there's not much interaction? It's so easy to comment on FB... Are we becoming that lazy?!
    I love reading about all of your adventures and often search the blog for advice or instruction on a project.
    In thanks and appreciation,

    1. Thank you so much Mary, much appreciated. You can always just email back to me from your email. I had to tun off anonymous comments on the blog as i was getting too much spam
      have a lovely weekend

  3. I, too, love your blog. I'll try to comment more often so you know how much I enjoy your work.

  4. Love this post...I too have been guilty of in and out... my blog has had no attention from me or my followers and I felt somewhat the same, BUT, it has been a great summer to do outside projects and with schools here starting up so early there has been a LOT going on for our family get togethers etc. and I'm hoping to be more responsive to the blogs I love and updating mine more often. Happy for your post. I have a LOT of catching up to do, and our humidity is back in full force tonight.

    1. It can be hard juggling all of it can't it. I am looking forward to summer here. you are making me envious. Very chilly here and we are about to have a week of rain!
      thanks Fiona

  5. It would be an awful shame to lose you I enjoy reading your posts a lot sorry if I dont comment all the time but im here x

    1. Thanks Suzie, ,much appreciated
      Have a lovely weekend
      Fiona x


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Sorry if you have trouble commenting, you can always email me at