
Friday, November 20, 2015

Good morning and a french hutch

hi, just a quick note for me as Phil is having some surgery this morning and needs to be at the hospital by 6:30am (way on the other side of Sydney). Just day surgery and I'm sure he'll be fine. Touch wood.

I bought these flowers cheaply at the supermarket. I usually get flowers on Saturdays at our markets but at $6 a huge bunch I could resist these.  Love them in my vintage beer crate. I took them outside for the afternoon yesterday and sat at our BBQ table for a while in the shade to cool down. Moving furniture, sanding and painting is tough on days like these.

My lovely customer who bought the footstool I posted about yesterday sent me this photo. I must have been channeling her when I painted it as it fits in perfectly.  I also painted her bedside tables. Nice seeing it all together in her pretty bedroom.

This is the top of a big hutch I bought this week. The bottom is still in the car but it is so gorgeous. I can't wait to start painting this one.  Big job but I think  will enjoy every last minute of it. Famous last words, ha ha. Things never go to plan.

Anyway I had better get on with things. keep Phil in your thoughts today

thanks for all your lovely emails, comments and support, it really means a lot to me.
Fiona xx


  1. Looking forward to see how the hutch will evolve!

  2. Cant wait to see that hutch done! It is going to be amazing.
    Positive thoughts for Phil.


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