
Friday, September 14, 2012

My French Chandelier - happiness in the smallest details

Hey there groovers,  I haven't blogged much this week as I've spent the time doing possibly the most boring project ever and definitely not anything blog-worthy - painting ceilings and skirting boards with a couple of doors thrown in for good measure! 

But here's something lovely for today. You know how much I love my dining room chandelier, and I know how many of you love it too, well it's even more beautiful now.

This is one of those changes that I'm sure some others won't notice but this tiniest detail will make me ever so slightly happier every time I see it.  It's one of those tiny things that have been on my to do list forever but as it was pretty insignificant, I kept getting pushed down the priorities.  Yesterday when I  procrastinating about painting my lounge room ceiling and looking for anything else to do, this tiny project suddenly got raised in the priority stakes!  So I popped over to Chippendale Restorations and scouted out little wax drip sleeves for my chandeliers.

You can see the disgusting old ones and the lovely new ones above. The new ones were a bigger diameter and of course much too long (the shop only had one size) so I cut them down to size with the hacksaw and just slipped the new tubes over the old ones.  You need the tube to thread down into the crystal cups to hold the cups in place so that's why I kept the old plastic sleeves.  And yes I gave the old ones a little wash while I was at it, and I washed and polished all the crystals and cups so the whole chandelier is even more sparkly now.

I love how the new sleeves look like candles. All I need to do now is find some flame tipped globes. They are everywhere in America but I have not located them in Australia yet in the size and bayonet cap that I need. Can any one help?

From a distance I don't think you can even tell the difference and the guy Chippendale Restorations was just shaking his head at me when I was asking about these wax looking sleeves and the flame tipped globes. He led me over to a normal chandelier with the normal candle shaped globes and said "Love, 99% of people are happy with these!" I tried to explain why the slight difference mattered to me but I guess he just didn't get it. Still he was very nice and he just shook his head and helped me find what I wanted anyway. 

I have almost finished painting the lounge room ceilings but yesterday afternoon had the sorest cricked neck from bending right back. Our ceilings are high  (and I'm not tall by any means) and I was just using a roller on a long pole that is probably just a tiny little bit short.  I think the discomfort was worth it as the whole room looks fresher now. I'll share pictures soon.

This week I've sent some of my furniture off for two different magazine photo shoots which is pretty thrilling. On top of this, my ornate bed head has been bought for a magazine shoot for a bed linen company. I'm not sure which company it is but I'll ask if I can get some photos once it's all done and I'll share them here.

Today I'm off to a morning tea with Mel from Georgica Pond blog. I'm looking forward to meeting her and seeing her beautiful house. That girl has STYLE!

By the way, what do you think of my new favicon (LL for Lilyfield Life) and blog layout with my furniture for sale in the right hand column? I've been having fun fiddling with some HTML code. I'll do another post soon on how to make these changes - I'm learning so much just by playing around.  Did you see this post about how to make changes so your blog appears correctly in a Google Search?

Fiona xx


  1. beautiful! your dining room looks so pretty!

  2. What a difference, really it's the smallest details that contribute to the whole! I wonder if one could make them for oneself, using hot glue for drips and then painting over them? Just a thought, what do you think?

  3. what a beautiful chandelier! your dining room and photos are gorgeous.

  4. Love how that chandelier looks in your dining room - just stunning! Have fun today with Mel of the great style! x

  5. I can totally understand your enthusiasm over such a tiny detail....I'm the same and I think all those tiny bits of perfection can be seen in the end result! Hope you have a lovely time with Mel! x KL

  6. The difference is in the details. I totally understand what you're saying and think the change is great. Made me look at my chandy over the island and think I'll check out your source and order some for mine too.

  7. I just painted a client's chandelier, and it is very similar to yours . . . but we painted it for her shabby chic room.


  8. Just gorgeous!!! Everything looks beautiful!

  9. So pretty.Love your style

    Just wanted to thank you for the post on blog descriptions on google. I can't find the post quickly so I am commenting on this one.

    I d also love to do coffee when you are up here in the the hols. Mail me on


  10. I can help!!! :) Early Settler sells the flame tipped globes in both screw in and "ears" variety. I'm American and don't know the proper term for that type so ears will have to do. I work at the Artarmon store and looked today just to make sure. Look up their webpage, they are all over Sydney. The globes are NOT listed on the webpage, but there are tons in store at Artarmon, you'd have to call other stores and ask. Hopefully your flame tipped dreams have been answered.


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