
Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Furniture in a Fashion Photo Shoot

Yay for a beautiful Saturday morning. What are you all up to for the weekend - today we are off to the start of Little Athletics.  The kids are so excited. I'm thinking that there wasn't nearly a big enough break between the end of soccer and the start of the next round of weekend sport!

What a glorious couple of days it's been here in Sydney. Yesterday's morning tea at Mel's was lovely, sitting in the sunshine on the deck of her gorgeous house and chatting with other friendly bloggers. The only downside is now I have even more blogs to read...not that I'm telling my husband that. 

Last week I had an email from Sonia at Ciao Magazine asking if she could use some of my furniture in a fashion photo shoot. Of course I said yes!  I'm not  sure how Sonia even knew about me, my blog and my furniture. When I told Sandy from Paint Me White during the week she said "Fiona, aren't blogs wonderful, you never know who is reading."

Here is the page from the magazine. How exciting to see my painted furniture in print!  I love how it says "Props: courtesy"

If you want to see it closer here is the link online for Ciao Magazine.  It's my french chair that I painted and upholstered with woven drop sheet and my chalkboard copy of Lilliam Bassman's 1950's vintage photograph.

The press attention lately has made me think a lot about blogging and my journey here at LilyfieldLife. It's a funny thing, blogging isn't it?  I didn't start out with a strategy or even a goal. I just liked sharing my projects and taking photographs.   And things evolve and I've learnt so much and am still learning and growing but still loving it so much and connecting with all of you.

After a busy week of painting wall, ceilings and skirting boards, I'm ready to tackle some vintage furniture painting that always warms my heart and relaxes me. I've got a beautiful ornately decorated long chest of drawers/console to be painted as well as a mirror and some french chairs. last week of school before the holidays start so time to get cracking with the paint brush.

have a great weekend
Fiona xx


  1. so freaking cool!!!!! LOVE it! love that they used the chalk lady!

  2. Lovely to finally meet you yesterday. It was such a lovely day wasn't it? I can't believe how together Mel is with a 3 month old. At that stage I was still in PJ 24/7.Such a lovely bunch of girls.

    Congrats on the use of your pieces in the fashion shoot. Oh and I did little Aths as a kid and absolutely adored every minute of it. Cried when it ended, which was at 12 in our day.

  3. Very cool! One of my photos was on the front page of a large local newspaper this week, but no photo credit :/

    1. Hills Courier (same publisher). Our school won the Rock Eisteddfod and I was our school's official photographer.

  4. Congratulations Fiona, so pleased for you!

  5. hi Fiona. I'm thrilled for you. that is awesome to hear you are getting good publicity. your furniture is so beautiful, you deserve it.
    Julie xx

  6. WOw Fiona that is great. all the best for you.
    love it all!
    cheers Mel

  7. What a wonderful opportunity that photo shoot was. I sure hope they metioned you in the credits!
    The pieces looked so elegant and appropriate with the models and the beautiful clothing. Kudos!

    Small House / Big Sky Donna

  8. The photos are amazing - congratulations! It is wonderful to think someone came across your work and thought it would be wonderful to use in other ways (as props I mean). You should be very proud!

    And your blogging morning tea sounds lovely! Always great to catch up with like minds!

  9. Congratulations Fiona!! That is so fantastic. Keep up the amazing work with your fabulous furniture!
    Lisa xox


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