Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Vintage white drawers for Rochelle and Sean

Lilyfield life white furniture

Just before we headed off to Italy, I painted these drawers for Sean and Rochelle. These had been painted about 30 years ago by Sean's parents in a peach oil paint. Sean and Rochelle now wanted to use these in their daughter's bedroom so asked me to paint them in a crisp white. They live in Canberra so Sean brought them up to me in Lilyfield in his trailer and then the next weekend Rochelle's parents came and picked them up.  Such great customers.

Lilyfield life white furniture

I wish I had a photo of the peach - it was very dated as you can imagine. 

Don't you love white paint for instant freshness.

PS thanks for all the lovely emails yesterday about Jonty's new school. He is so happy.

Fiona xx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful as always...what a stunning set of drawers..white paint you cant beat it for bring a piece of furniture back to life!


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