I decided to have a day without any painting on Friday. Shock horror I know. I had some tiny withdrawal symptoms but you'll be glad to know I coped okay :) I had a mountain of admin to do, my tax and quarterly BAS, applications to fill out for our home renovation, an online course to obtain my construction site white card and Owner Builder licence, house plans to finalise and also...very exciting for Lilyfield Life: a plan for my new venture of offering painted furniture workshops. The day at home also gave me a chance to take some photos around the house.
One of the ladies, the beautiful smiling Judy, who came last week to the painting workshop commented that I have a lot of lovely things around my house and I suppose I do. I'm a big believer in slowly collecting treasures that are useful and meaningful. I don't shop often at chain stores, preferring to make things or buy second hand as how things come to me can often resonate more with me than what they are: my mum's handmade quilts, beautiful gifts from beautiful friends, artwork from people I admire, furniture I've spent my time and effort on I value more than things I just spend money on.
some of my mum's kitchenware that I inherited,
vintage bone handled knives sourced over the years from a million different markets.
a wire beer crate found in a dusty little shop on the far south coast
white painted vintage mirrors propped around the place bought on the cheap at estate sales, french chairs awaiting painting and reupholstering, and the galung (terracotta crown) that we bought in Bali and carefully brought home
Old furniture handed down that was my mum's and mine as a girl and now is my girl's
What special things do you have at home?
Are you a collector of vintage also?
I assume you probably are if you read here but I'd love to hear what is meaningful to you.
Fiona xx