I spent much of yesterday painting and have lots of beautiful furniture coming up. I love finishing interesting pieces and have found some cabinets recently that really make me happy to get out my paint brushes and transform them. It's great to love your work.
I have some beautiful mirrors that can be bought as is or I am happy to paint them. Let me know if you are interested.
These ones below are all sold now.
I painted this one in matte graphite as per the buyer's request.
This pair of French style mirrors below sold very quickly. I will definitely keep my eye out for more pairs as lots of people were interested in them.
and this was a mirror but I smashed it. I didn't want to waste the divine vintage frame so I turned it into a chalk board. The frame was so just heavy and ornate that I had to do something with it.
This lovely tall mirror also sold quickly. I painted it in Duck egg with a white wash and distressed it. It was originally a cheval mirror but the stand wasn't with it when I bought it. Still very beautiful.
Louise really want the above mirror but missed out on it and so she hopped onto Gumtree and unbelievably found a similar one which is such a coincidence as it's not a modern mirror. The one she found still had the stand but the mirror wasn't beveled. I painted it the same for her. She's been a very good customer of mine over the years and is now moving to Perth, taking with her a household full of Lilyfield Life furniture, so as a good bye present I offered to paint the mirror for free. She was very happy with how it turned out.
That's a lot of mirrors I'm handling, I am surprised that I don't break more although saying that, I have probably just jinxed myself.
Fiona xx
They all are very lovely! You do such good work.