Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beach holiday at Glenelg, Adelaide

We weren't planning on going away but last week, we got a bit sick of Sydney's lack of summery weather. So Phil looked up on a weather map of Australia where it was going to be nice and sunny. Rain in Queensland, too hot in Perth, but the weather in Adelaide was beautiful so we booked our flights and hotel and off we went.

It was the most relaxing family holiday we've had in ages.  We stayed at the Stamford Grand in Glenelg right on the beach. We even scored a free room upgrade.
Our hotel on the right

the view from our hotel room

 We loved this cafe just up from our hotel
where we lingered for breakfast
while the kids played on the beach


Good food and coffee

beautiful architecture along the esplanade


old churches everywhere
(Adelaide is known as the City of Churches)

BBQs by the beach
(but that goatie has already been shaved as he's back to work tomorrow)

walks at sunset


I love it when a 4 day holiday feels like a 2 week one!


  1. Hi Fiona, I am glad that you had a nice break away, and found some summer weather! Adeliade looks many places in Australia that I have yet to day, hopefully!

    xx Karen

  2. Gorogeous. How great that you could chase Summer. Melbourne was fab too. Back in Sydney now and it's raining. Must be something about the south.
    Have a great week.
    Carolyn xx

  3. oh that looks so beautiful!!!!! such a fun getaway!

  4. I loved Glenelg. I caught the tram out it was a special spot. We stayed in the heart of Adelaide at the Grand Chifley opposite the gardens. The churches were amazing as we managed to visit some of the wineries too. We need more holidays perhaps we should try for breaks like you have. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  5. This article is so nice or also share a fabulous content..I like to read your opinion or also feel happy to know about all that things that you have to do in this wonder beach land..So thanks..!!!

  6. Absolutely loved my beach holiday at Glenelg, Adelaide! The sandy shores and vibrant atmosphere were perfect for relaxation. Speaking of great experiences, if you're ever in need of a reliable medical service, consider getting a Pap smear Dubai – top-notch care awaits you.


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