Monday, January 2, 2012

Instagram #janphotoaday

Happy New Year from Lilyfield! 

Day 1 | #janphotoaday | Me

I'm full of energy, resolve and plans for 2012.  I have so much floating around in my head that I'm looking forward to getting away tomorrow for a couple of days. While the kids splash in the pool, I'll be dipping my toes and making notes and plans (as well as possibly sipping a cocktail).

Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim has devised a Instagram photo journal for January.

Besides the fact that I'm starting a day late, I thought it would be fun to play along.

Day 2 | #janphotoaday | Breakfast
I'm very lucky, every morning Phil makes freshly squeezed vegie juice (beetroot, celery, carrot and ginger).  What a great way to start the day.

If you want to follow my "January", you can find me on Instagram as ‘Lilyfieldlife’  or on my Facebook page also.  "Like" me over on the right!

Leave a comment below if you are playing along also.  I'd love to see your photos.  The guidelines for joining in are:
How to play?
Use the list above as a guide, and as inspiration, and take a photo each day. You can take it with your point-and-shoot camera, your big, fancy-pants DSLR, your iPhone {or equivalent} or whatever photo-taking-device you own.

You can upload you photos to Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Path, Facebook, your blog or just keep them on your desktop {and not share at all}. Whatever you want to do is totally fine. You can take the list above literally and stick to it, or take inspiration and go crazy.

If you're sharing them on Twitter or Instagram - you can tag them with the hashtag #JANphotoaday so that everyone can follow along with you.

I love my iphone and I love Instagram!

Well it's finally sunny here so we're off to the beach for the day, along with most other Sydneysiders!



  1. Happy New Year Fiona! You look good (as does your brekky!), look forward to more of your posts this year! Mx

  2. Fi, if you like the photoaday challenge - try downloading the Project365 app - and keep going all year just for yourself. You can still share the pics on instagram - this one you keep on your phone and you'll end up with a visual diary for the whole year (and sometimes it's hard to choose which photo for the day!).

  3. Totally cool. I'm not playing along but will watch you do so. Hope the holiday is great. Thanks so much for the follow back. Love your blog and your breakfast by the way.

  4. Sounds like you're all set for an exciting start to the year! There's nothing like taking some time by the pool to recharge and brainstorm new ideas. If you're planning to work on any home projects, check out CCGK for apartment renovation Dubai. They have over two decades of experience in interior design, turning client visions into beautifully functional spaces. Enjoy your break, and happy planning!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Sorry if you have trouble commenting, you can always email me at