Friday, May 10, 2013

This and That

Happy Friday! 

Hope you've all had a productive week. I have managed to get a fair bit of painting done - slowly reducing my stash of furniture. I am really enjoying painting at the moment - I really seem to go through phases of creativity - or more probably bursts of energy where I can be productive and get a lot done. I've even managed to clean the house and fold all the washing so there's no work for the weekend!

french provincial sideboard by Lilyfield Life Sydney
french provincial sideboard by Lilyfield Life Sydney

We had friends for dinner over last weekend and this is our dining table set for dinner - however this below is how my sideboard is looking now. Lego vignette anyone? You probably know how it is to live with a 7 year old boy! Not really what I was aiming for in a decorating sense but at least he's being productive.

french provincial sideboard by Lilyfield Life Sydney
vintage home wares french  by Lilyfield Life Sydney

I've painted a few pieces of furniture this week - the bookshelf, the little French Country style cabinet, a Louis chair and these two bedsides below. These are in beautiful condition and painted a crisp white and buffed to a lovely sheen. They are for sale so leave me a message if you are interested in buying them.  The drawers are dovetailed and are on timber runners.

white bedside tables by lilyfield life custom furniture painting

I have also almost finished upholstering the French Louis armchair that has been stashed away in my shed forever. I just need to find some navy gimp braid to do the trim. I am trying to match the chair to one that I did 2 years ago and am kicking myself for leaving it so long. I'll share it next week when I'm hopefully finished.

Some furniture that I am looking forward to painting is a sweet little desk and chair I bought at auction last week.  I think these pieces will have to live in our bedroom for the time being but I bought them for my son - they don't currently fit into his bedroom but actually I am loving them in the corner of our room. I did a couple of entries into Interior Addict's 7 Vignettes on Instagram this week and styled the desk for a travel theme.

Why I entered my sketches as a travel theme is when I travel I like to take my water colour paints and sketch books to make me stop and soak in the view. Sitting down for an hour somewhere to paint a building, landscape or plant really makes you remember the small details. I also like having the drawings as souvenirs of my travels also.  These books are from when I lived and travelled in Europe in my late twenties and mid thirties. 

The desk and chair will definitely get painted - I just have to work out how I want to paint them. I am thinking white. A big stretch I know!!  Who would have guessed! The desk is beautiful -the little shield on the back is very special.

Setting this up has really made me appreciate the freedom of youth and travel. It certainly seems a long way off my life now.  Perhaps I should get my watercolours out this weekend and see what I can paint.   Actually to be honest sometimes I am a bit scared to paint in case I have forgotten how. Do you get like that with anything?

Anyway I am sure looking forward to the weekend and spending some time with my family and also my sister and her family for a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday. Hopefully the weekend will be full of fun and relaxation.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, either being spoilt by your kids, or spoiling your Mum. 

I'll be thinking of my mum and sending her two squeezes.

Fiona xx

french provincial sideboard by Lilyfield Life Sydney


  1. Your house, your art, your furniture - all beautiful
    Enjoy your weekend. Hope you manage Mother's day ok without your mum.

  2. i love these kinds of posts.... happy mother's day to you, fiona. i am sending YOU two squeezes.

  3. Happy Mothers' Day Fiona ..... It will be hard being your first without your mum but you will be with your family and although I'm sure there will be a few tears I know there will be lots of love and laughter as you all remember the good times and isn't that how she would want it to be. Have a lovely weekend, I have loved your latest projects but I am on Phils' side of the fence with the dark wax. Its nice to look at but I like the white.
    Regards Brenda.

  4. Hi Fiona,

    Your buffet and table is so beautiful .. simple and elegant. I had to laugh at the little boy toys:) My son is now 24.. and I remember these days! He used to bring in bugs and all kids of strange things (ugh!!) Good for you for getting a jump start on all the laundry and house keeping to free up your weekend. I'm off today and I'm looking forward to doing the same.

    Have a wonderful Friday and Happy Mother's Day!


  5. I came to you via Romantic Homes magazine. You have a lovely blog. The dining room is set so nicely and I love all of your painted furniture. All so pretty!

  6. Thinking of you on this day. I lost my own mom suddenly several years ago at the end of April. I still miss her! The pain might lessen but it's always there. Enjoy being with your family and rembering the good times. Phoenix, AZ USA


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