Saturday, October 5, 2013

Aussie Beach Goodness

How beautiful is this!

I have travelled to a lot of countries (my life before kids!) and still think Aussie beaches are the best in the world. I'm okay if you consider me biased.

This was early morning at Lake Cathie near Port Macquarie where my brother and his gorgeous family live overlooking the beach in their little cottage. It's also where Karen from Restyled Vintage and her lovely family moved to from NZ which I think is such a lovely coincidence. 

I got to spend time with both families which was so good. And seeing Karen's beautiful furniture. Poor Phil was bored with our chat of paint and waxes! Karen's finishes are just lovely and it was wonderful to chat to a fellow furniture painter as well as chatting to her about life in general!

And I also spent some time walking on the beautiful beach.

That was good too!  

As well as this morning walk, after dinner the night before, we went down to the beach to see the sand that was 'phosphorescing' - kicking the sand would make it shimmer and glow. It was amazing. The kids loved it also. No photos though as it was pitch dark. 

I could easily live in this "the Ghost and Mrs Muir" house that was right on the beach. So beautiful. 

Stay tuned for more beach photos. I've been getting up for sunrise and practicing my camera settings, in the meantime share this beach with me via the video below.

What/where is your favourite beach? 
Fiona xx


  1. It sure is a beautiful place in the world. xT

  2. Gorgeous Fiona. Glad you are having a great time too xx

  3. your photos are fabulous and so is your beach!

  4. What a lovely spot - love the way it looks deserted! I like beaches that have lots of rocks to clamber over, and not a wave beach, just gentle lapping. I remember lying on a pebble beach in NZ's Bay of Islands, Russell is the place, if you google it you'll know what I mean - Heaven on earth!

  5. What a beautiful beach, looks so peaceful.

  6. I've been loving all your beach photos - you're a great photographer, the colours are just beautiful.


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