Thursday, December 18, 2014

This year's hand painted furniture

It's been a sad week for most of us here in Sydney. A gorgeous friend of ours lost her struggle with cancer early Monday morning and it's terribly sad especially for her two sweet children, one of them a good friend of my girl, so I am heartbroken for them growing up without their beautiful Mummy. Then came the hostage situation in Martin Place and the terrible ending (although it could have been much worse although I'm sure the families of the dead aren't feeling that). My cousin was very close friends with Katrina and I've just spent some time today with my aunt who is devastated and shaken. I think it's a week where we get smacked in the head with just how fragile life is and how we need to just spread love and kindness to others in our daily lives. Life is too short.

And then (inconsequentially to all that) on Monday afternoon I broke one of my toes. While the accident was actually occurring and my foot was trapped for a few minutes, I thought my toes were going to be ripped off. I won't go into how it happened but I just made a mindless mistake in my daze of grief and now I am limping around still in pain. How is it possible that toes hurt so much? I need steel capped boots.

Anyway I wanted to share today a little video (only 1 minute long) of the pieces I've painted this year. When I see them collated like this it always surprises me that I've painted so many pieces. This is about 80% of the furniture I've painted this year). I think next year once my studio is finished I will be able to work on even more pieces, hold classes and write more tutorials for you.

Lilyfield Life Hand Painted furniture 2014

Thanks for being part of my life - I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Wishing you peace and love

Fiona xx


  1. Great job Fiona.....and no, i don't mean your poor toe. !!! Heres to it healing quickly. Please go get some Arnica and apply it every 30 mins or so...!!!! It will really speed up its recovery . Yes the events this week are very very very tragic. Have the best Chrissy . I think we will ALL be a little sad this Christmas. xxxx

    1. Thanks (I have been icing my toes but will try the arnica - i even have some at home but forgot about it)
      Enjoy your christmas xx

  2. In One year!! An amazing effort. They are all beautiful, you should be very proud!! A merry xmas and a peaceful and happy 2015, lets hope only good things happen next year. Look after that toe, and they DO hurt a LOT.

    1. thanks Roberta, much appreciated for all your support this year again
      Merry Christmas xx

  3. Yes, indeed it's been a sad week in you life. We were all so shocked to hear of the news of the hostage situation. News like that just doesn't come out of Australia. You are a kind and compassionate person....probably one of the reasons why you are able to create such lovely pieces. All the best to you and your family during this holiday season.

    1. I know, right! It’s not the done thing here in Sydney. Seriously though what a shock. But the community reaction has been fantastic so at least there’s a positive side (not for those kids though)
      Thanks Robin, all the best for 2015 also.
      Fiona xx

  4. i am so sorry, fiona. thinking of you and sending love!

  5. Your creations are so beautiful. What a great way to display them.
    Sorry for your loss and I hope your friends kids are surrounded by love this Christmas.
    blessings, Hannah


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