Thursday, May 7, 2015

Latest pieces - lots of painted pine furniture

I wanted to take this week off furniture painting a finish a few things around the house (and get a haircut) but it didn't work out like that. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of paint!  But it's all good and I am on the home stretch of a lot of custom work and next week might be time for my annual haircut :)

I do however have beautiful white flowers on my sideboard, dropped in by a lovely client who I've become friends with. I love that about this business; lots of friendships and lots of beauty.

It seems it's the week of painting pine furniture. Rebecca asked me to transform her bedside tables. She initially thought she wanted a white colour but after a bit of discussion and looking at colours and her house she asked me to mix her a putty colour.

I mixed this lovely colour using ASCP French Linen, Paris Grey and some other acrylic paint I had on hand to lighten the tone. Crystal handles completed the transformation.

I really like how the planked timber looked when it was painted. Rebecca and her husband were amazed at the change in them also.  Happy clients is always a good thing. I also also working on their display cabinet.

Here are some other pieces I've been working on.

The above set is for Helen and she's asked for a mid-grey and the handles to all be changed. I'm almost finished the set and will share soon.  The set below I had a lot of problems with and will be glad when it's all finished and dropped back to the very understanding clients.

I'm looking forward to clearing the decks and working on a couple of fabulous french style pieces I have here to sell.

So I'm in the paint stufio again today then I'll need a big scrub to get rid of the paint out of my hair etc - tonight I'm catching up with two of my best friends - we studied engineering together and have all gone on to other studies and careers but it's always good to see them.

have a great day
Fiona xx


  1. I do think that the painting of the pine furniture was such an improvement! They look so fresh and new! I LOVE the pitcher you used for a vase!!


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