Saturday, September 29, 2018

French sideboard before and after

Hi everyone, good morning. It’s a long weekend here and I’d love to be sleeping in but it’s too light (so looking forward to say light savings starting next weekend) and I’m awake already. 

I finished that sideboard I posted about last time: It turned out really nicely even though it was nice to start with.  

Do you remember it?

lilyfield life french hand painted vintage sideboard - chalk paint

Vickie bought it for their holiday house and wanted it painted a pale grey. I love how simple and elegant it turned out.

lilyfield life french hand painted vintage sideboard - chalk paint

lilyfield life french hand painted vintage sideboard - chalk paint

lilyfield life french hand painted vintage sideboard - chalk paint
How beautiful is the breakfront? 

This pieces weighs an absolute tonne. I was very relieved when my delivery guy turned up with a helper. 

This is a before and after that I don’t really know which is more beautiful and if the top of this piece hadn’t been beyond saving I would have sold it as is as I did love the timber in the doors. Vickie is placing it in front of a dark grey wall so it will look beautiful. 

What’s your favourite? Before or after?

Enjoy the long weekend xx

Cheers Fiona


  1. It is so lovely!!!! Wish I would find a treasure like that to redo!! You did an outstanding job on it.


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