Monday, November 14, 2011

Painted White Floors

The concrete floor under our ruined carpet is terrible. It is so pitted and rough. Sandy from Paint Me White and I have been laughing that it looks like road base.  Sandy has lovely smooth concrete floors that she has painted white (after she pulled up her bright blue carpet). Her floors (along with her divine furniture and house) have been featured in magazines ... mine on the other hand will do us until we have renovated but certainly won't be attracting any attention from magazine stylists and editors.
Here's what I started with:

and then after two coats of Berger's Jet Dry Satin White paint and 4 hours of reinstalling the built in cabinets (on legs and not a plinth, so I have access to any water that may leak in)

here is the room now.  The tv still needs to be moved back into place but it's too heavy for me to lift so it can wait for Phil to get home.
and Phil likes lying on the floor so he's requested a rug. (yes it's looking pretty bare at the moment...)

Our lounge room is actually 9 metres by 3.5 metres so this is only half of the room. I'll start painting the other side tomorrow. I couldn't do the whole room at once as I needed somewhere to stack all the furniture and cabinetry.

It's been a huge job and not one we chose to do but I quite like the rough floor, a bit like a Greek house. and so cool, especially today which has been ridiculously hot.

I still have lots of little things to do to fix this room: repair the benchtop to the cabinet where there is a split in the top, finish removing all the carpet wood tack things on the other half of the room, sort out the step into the room which is currently carpeted, paint the skirtings white (instead of the off white it currently is).

At least we can live this this till we renovate down the track.



  1. It looks great Fiona! We still have the bare concrete foundation as our floor in our kitchen, dining and living area. I have mentioned to my husband the possibility of painting it but he can't be convinced. Yours look fabulous x

  2. Hay Fiona, I'm thinking this doesn't look that bad at all. From here it looks great. Road base or not it will be easy to maintain and is a much better option that carpet especially for that room. Stinking hot here having a heat wave today. Sandy xx

  3. That really looks great. Should be easy to keep clean.

  4. glorious! i posted about white today too!


  5. It looks great! Looks like a lot of hard work but it turned out lovely. Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  6. Fi, am really pleased that it looks so good & the room looks perfect for more hot summer nights. So cool & practical. Your fab mirror would look great in this room too. J

  7. This looks like a terribly tedious job, but you worked a miracle and now it looks lovely and fresh and clean! andrea@townandprairie

  8. Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This looks great! That white really brightened up the room and the rug gives it a nice warmth. I am hosting my first ever link party this weekend and I would love it if you popped over to link up some of your cutie stuff!

    Thanks, Kim

  10. It looks great. I painted my concrete hall floor and stairs white.It looks brighter and fresh. Going to do my lounge so it it all through.

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