Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Racing through Ikea Tempe

I had to go to Kogarah today for a meeting and left home a little earlier so I could stop at the new Ikea in Tempe to check it out.  It's only a quick 15 minute drive from Lilyfield so nice and convenient. I didn't really want much so gave myself 70 minutes to race through the store.  I wasn't sure that time frame was even possible, but I made it, with time to take some photos....and I only spent $40 so I think that might be a world record!

I loved this set of cupboards. Looks like a window. How creative.. 

Throughout the store there are loads of displays. Not just rooms and apartments but tablescapes. Loved this wedding one. 

Can you believe this kitchen below is Ikea?  The bricks are just wall paper but look so realistic. I felt like I had stepped into French country cottage. It made me want to whip on an apron and start cooking! (although I'd have to change those handles out for something more classic)

and a little butler's pantry off the end....I have died and gone to heaven....(Ikea understands their customers!)

This little cushion caught my eye. Only $19.  I've been looking everywhere for map fabric.  Cute but I resisted. (I had it in my trolley for about 1 km but then tossed it out before the checkout . A bit like how I pack for holidays. Pack everything I want then severly cull)

...and I really want one of these gorgeous chrome desk lamps. My sister bought a divine vintage one (for $450). These are much more reasonable for $98 (or something like that).

But this is all I came home with.  Some cute little glasses, Christmas gift bags, 4 tea towels,  4 sets of floor protectors for all those French chairs I'm restoring and some Christmas cookie cutters.  Total $40.90.

I also popped into Spotlight at Rockdale on my way home and found the striped material that Spotlight had told me was discontinued so I am very happy to get on to reupholstering that chair that's been sitting in my lounge room for 10 months!

I am not a huge fan of Ikea furniture- sure it has it's place but I'm into vintage (you may have picked that up by now).  But I love going to an Ikea store as it really inspires me to come home, tidy up and make the house all fresh and styled.  I think tomorrow I'll squeeze some vacuuming in, and call the insurer about the carpet.



  1. Hi Fiona, gee Ikea have really stepped up haven't they. I drive past it every week, must call in. Pleased to report the dog is home and well thank god. Sandy xx

  2. That is a record! I am heading out to Ikea today with my mother who has never been before. I told her if we walked quickly through both levels it will be a minimum of 3 hours!!!


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