Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Some Small Projects

I've had a busy few weeks with my business consulting clients as well as selling some furniture and finishing small projects in my home.  I really love the variety in my work and home life. I may rush from one varied task to another but at least I never get bored!

Here are a couple of things I wanted to share:

A few paintings: I found this painting amongst some other old ones I painted years ago. It's a copy of Georgia O'Keefe's poppy. It's A3 size.  O'Keefe's is much more vibrant red than this version and hers isn't watercolour.

Last week I didn't post about my Watercolour Wednesday. We painted landscapes from photos and magazines. Landscapes in watercolour can be tricky with how much detail to include (or leave out). I really struggle with them especially the way our the our teacher is teaching us to paint - loose quick paintings without overworking the paint.  Here is one that I was happy with. A view across a beach and a building and trees on the shore.

I also found a few good things up at the Rozelle markets on Sunday. A lovely little candle holder that is gold currently but will be white. It is actually nicely antiqued but I'm really not a fan of gold so it'll be white as soon as I have a day at home for projects.

You can also see in the photo above a new French table cloth I bought at the Fox Studio Farmers markets. There's a stall there that sells lovely table clothes and baskets imported from France. This 8 seater tablecloth is a lovely thick weave and was only $58.  I actually bought the tablecloth to cut up and upholster some French chairs I have.  Watch this space.  

Although the tablecloth is very nice on the table, isn't it?

I also made over a little dressing table/ piano stool.

and before

and I thought I'd share a great idea for an outdoor light. This is at my sister's place. She had this lovely old spade for ages and when she moved into her house she put this up as a light shade. 

Just gorgeous!


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