Friday, April 12, 2013

Vintage frames and ornate wood - your ideas needed

a few vintage finds and a brand new purchase

It's been a busy few days here as we are in the process of buying a new car. We love our current car but we've had it for 11 years and we have finally decided to spend some money and get a new one.  And yes we are so very adventurous that we've decided to buy the new version of the exact same car... ha ha ...well at least we know we like the car and it suits our needs (and it also fits a tonne of furniture in it and we all know how important that is!). I ended up making a huge saving on the new car by shopping around and even though we now have to drive to Sutherland to pick the car up tomorrow it is $4000 cheaper than anywhere else in Sydney and $9000 than our local Nissan dealer is selling it. A huge saving for just 15 minutes of ringing around for pricing and a 40 minute drive.  Now just to sell our current car - I've been doing a lot of cleaning, waxing and polishing!

Anyway back on to what we all love - some thrifted finds and old dusty things - yesterday I was driving back from somewhere and saw out of the corner of my eye a great second hand shop. I'm so glad I stopped as I nabbed this wonderful frame. It was super cheap and is in lovely, if not very dusty, condition. 

And we are talking layers of dust here, people - I think this lovely old frame has been sitting in someone's attic for many a year before being taken to auction where it was picked up by the second hand shop.  The grubby backing also does it no favours.  But what a beautiful patina and ornate detail. And it is very heavy and solid - none on the light wood imported from Asia you see these days.

A quick removal of the backing and it's much improved already - I'll give it a scrub clean later today but my question is for you all, what shall I do with this? a Mirror? a painting? another chalkboard drawing like my lady?

and my second find (which wasn't actually a recent purchase but something I found when we cleaned out our shed a few weeks ago) is this beautiful piece of wood. What to do with it?

I am definitely going to paint this white and distress it to bring out all that carved goodness.  Some of the beading along the bottom was broken so I've evened it up. What do you suggest this should get turned into? 

If you've been lurking here this may be a good time to leave a comment for me. I'd love to hear some of your ideas

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. We are out to dinner tonight with our some of our beautiful neighbours to a little local French restaurant. nothing too fussy, within walking distance, good simple french food, some nice wine, lovely company and lots of laughs. Sonne bein pour moi! 

Fiona xx

PS shameless self plug here but I've been nominated for Skinny Scoops Top 25 Home Decor blogs. If you like my style, please pop on over and vote for me. thanks!


  1. hi Fiona, I've been following along on your blog for a few month now and yes it was me who nominated you for the top home decor blogs - I saw a few other people I follow being nominated and thought you should also be represented. I am from country NSW and love all your projects. You have a great eye. My 2 cents worth is for the same lady chalkboard drawing in the frame. (Wow it is spectacular!) Are you leaving it gold or will you paint it white?
    Perhaps the wood piece could be turned into a shelf? or just as a decorative piece painted white?
    Enjoy your evening. It sounds wonderful.
    - Sarah

    1. thank you so much, Sarah and thank you for following my blog and the nomination (not that I've much chance when you see the other nominees)
      I definitely think I'll give the chalkboard lady (or similar) a go and a shelf is a great idea. thanks for your comment and input.

  2. Hi Fiona,
    I acquired 4 large frames similar to yours. I painted them & had magnetic sheets cut to size. I then covered the metal with fabric.
    I now have 4 large magnetic boards similar to:


    1. hi Alexia, thanks so much for sharing with me - that is a great idea. I will check out your link. Have you got a photo of your frames that you made that I can use on my blog - i would love to share this idea. if you have a good photo of them (or even one) can you email it to me
      thanks Fiona

      PS I just checked out your etsy store - what pretty stuff you make!

  3. Love the beautiful frame...I'd keep it gold and frame a small black and white photo with massive white matt! The decoritive timber could be utilised as a coat hook rack with the hangers coming out the bottom or a wall hanging top. Congrats on the nomination! x KL

    1. thanks K-L, I'm so glad I asked people for their ideas. such good ones. I love the coat rack idea - i will try and rig something up on the weekend. much appreciated.

  4. What a beautiful frame, Fiona! Great find! I always keep my eyes out for pretty frames like this when I am out thrifting or at the local antique mart. You could go so many ways with this and even without painting it. You could put it on the wall open backed and hang something else inside it like a monogram letter or plate. You could do a chalkboard or memo board or even add chicken wire for that rustic glam look.

  5. the frame is incredible, and way to shop your way to a good deal on the car! i love the idea of a humble chalkboard juxtaposed with this ornate beauty. you can write a favorite quote on it and then change it weekly if you like.

    smiles to you.


  6. Love the frame , painted is always good , I do like it gold in some places , like where things are pink and turquoise
    I am sure what ever you do it will be wonderful
    I like that wood piece also some vintage hooks on it for a vintage coat rack would be nice

  7. I love that carved wooden piece. I recall seeing someone else in the blogosphere create a trumeau mirror from a piece of carved wood. That could end up very beautiful!

  8. Unbelievable frame find. I think it is worth several hundred dollars and seems to be in really good condition. I would add a mirror. You can always paint junky, broken carved frames, but painting this one would devalue it. You could spruce up the gold, however. The wooden thing looks like you could add some clay for the missing pieces if you are painting it. I found a strange carved piece of wood about a foot long once. I painted it gold and stuck it in my dining room in a window near the lock. Staring at it one day I figured out that it was a wooden handle from an old fashioned 1930's type knitting bag. The type where the handles were flat up against each other and the tapestry bag hung down. Go figure. It was a dollar.

  9. How about a coat rack for the wood piece? Also, Making chalkboards with vitage frames sell very well in the US..? Great find! - Susan

  10. Hello, hey the frame is a great find! I am always looking out for but never see them. People are always making cool stuff with them which i want to do too. Just thought I'd say hi although i have no amazing ideas for frame or wood. In fact would really not know what to do with the wood. Good luck!

  11. I love the picture frame! The detail is amazing! I think you made a good choice with the corkboard.

  12. Actually i like the idea in comments of using the wood on a plank with hooks on it. I need one of those. And the back and white photo in the frame. However, i hate it when you have glass in those frames. It just looks weird.

  13. Great finds Fiona! I'd love the frame as a chalk board, and the carved wooden piece as a coat rack

    And congrats on the nomination :)

  14. I love all the above suggestions and really look forward to seeing what you do with it, enjoy your weekend

  15. Hi Fiona, What a wonderful find that frame was. Something I always hope I will find but never have. My suggestion for the frame would be a mirror and for the piece of wood to be used as a backboard on the top surface of a very plain side board or hall table. Although all ideas have been very good. I made Jonty's banana cake. Its delicious and I am just about to have a slice and a cup of tea while I watch the footy. Its a cool day here in Melbourne. Enjoy your weekend and thank you once again for the recipe.
    Regards Brenda.

    1. glad you liked the banana cake Brenda, it's a good recipe isn't it. I just made some this afternoon and managed to snap a few pics of it for the blog before the kids attacked it!
      still working out hwat i'm doing with the two pieces - too many choices!
      hope your team did well in the football. who were you going for?
      cheers Fiona

  16. Hi Fiona I am sure whatever you do with these they will be beautiful.I saw an idea for a frame like this painted(she painted hers red) I know not your stlye and then she attached small chicken wire to the back and then hung the frame up .Her use for the frame was hanging photos on it with small craft pegs and other bits frame looked may not be your style but gee it looked good.As for the wood spray it white and hang it in your daughters room with hooks on it so she can hang her jewerlly dee x

  17. fun to find a small little side table maybe two levels..and then a board to fit the frame...a mirror that is treated for a old mirror look, paint the mirror and little table to match. The frame with mirror is adhered to the top of the little side table to create a larger side table ...great for a bedroom....shows off the frame in a unique way this frame

    1. great idea Kathryn - but i've got way too much furniture here already! Not coping as it is and selling some. Very creative of you though
      have a lovely week

  18. Gorgeous frame Fiona, what a great find. It would look great in any style. I've just done one with chicken wire as a notice board, although I did paint and distress mine (in my defence it was in worse shape thn yours!). I have a bit of an obsession with frames.
    I was going to suggest the ornate wood strip as a coat rack too, but with mismatched knobs instead of hooks. I've got a couple and they look great as a feature as well as being practical.

  19. Gorgeous frame. This is what I did with one I found at council pick up... it's not 'authentic' like yours is (one of those acrylic plastic things but the ornateness of it attracted me and I picked it up) - and it now lives here in our front veranda (the 3 is our house number)

    1. hi Lilian - how are you? Your frame is lovely and what a nice welcome sign to your house. hope you enjoy the school holidays with your lovely kids
      Fiona x


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