Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Venture for Lilyfield Life

Lilyfield Life hand painted french furniture Sydney

I'm very excited to have been asked by Larissa of Meshea Lifestyle in Leichhardt to stock my hand-painted furniture in this beautiful shop.

My friend Pete, of Pete's Shed fame, has had his furniture stocked there for many years and originally Pete and his wife owned the shop. However with business booming for Pete down in the Southern Highlands, he can no longer juggle stocking Meshea as well. So Larissa, the new owner, has asked for my furniture to be sold in her store. I'm just thrilled as the shop is beautiful and also close by.

I will still be selling furniture from my blog, Facebook and just Instagram  directly as well. 

So now I'm madly painting to get stock ready for the weekend!

Wish me luck!!
Fiona xx


  1. What a great opportunity. I know you will do well.

  2. So exciting, Fiona! Best of Luck!

  3. I love Meshea! I've been going there for years, in fact we bought our daughter (now 15) her first 'big' bed which is a beautiful white iron bed. Your furniture will suit the shop perfectly, good luck!

  4. That's wonderful news! Congratulations, Fiona!

  5. What a small world it is, Pete's daughter is my Sister-in-law!!!
    Abbey xo

    1. Oh Wow Abbey, that is a small world. I love Pete! Such a great guy.


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