Friday, January 2, 2015

Lilyfield Life 2014

2014 Lilyfield Life painted furniture. 

I am looking forward to painting lots more beautiful pieces in 2015. I will have lots of lovely pieces for sale soon as well as I am available to custom paint your furniture.  If you are looking for anything specific please contact me as I would love to help you out. Once my studio is ready (around Easter) I will be re-commencing furniture painting workshops.

Thanks for all your support and messages. I so appreciate them.

Happy New Year. 

Fiona xx


  1. holy moly that's a lot of furniture! :) all gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Cassie and all the best for you and sweet clover in 2015 xx

  2. I'm speechless! I can't believe how many pieces you have done in one year. Happy New Year, Fiona.

    1. Thanks Mary, that's most of my pieces - a few not in there. I can't wait to have a proper place to work when we finish our renovations.
      Happy new year

  3. What a year you've had! Let's make sure we do that coffee! Mx

  4. I thoroughly enjoy your emails and so love the pieces of furniture that you do up. It's so lovely to know the there is such lovely pieces of furniture out there. Have a lovely New Year and keep up your great passion. Regards Maria


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