Monday, September 14, 2015

Painting bedroom furniture white

Good morning paint lovers. Hope you've had a lovely weekend. I just love this good weather, being able to have the doors flung open and the kids from our street all playing out on the foot path and running in and out of each other's houses. 

I love painting spring flowers

I was sorting through some photos for my blog and found some paint projects that I've forgotten to share - all are of bedroom furniture that I painted white. I have a soft spot for white bedroom furniture because it's actually what started me in this creative business.  My first real furniture painting project (besides my kitchen cabinetry and house) was our bedroom furniture. I hated our bedroom - dark and full of orange/brown baltic pine furniture. One day I just got jack of it all, sold the tall looming pieces and painted the rest white. It was just so much better, brighter and more visually spacious.  I couldn't believe what a difference paint made.  I still get amazed by the capability of white paint!

 I did straighten that handle on the right bedside table below before I finished it. Just in case you noticed and were picky :)

...and these lovely bedsides below are possibly some of my favourite ever. So tall and elegant. I also had to do a repair on a drawer and will write a separate tutorial on that. 

Mid project below, you can see how crowded my studio gets. I can't believe I used to run my whole business in the corner of our bedroom.

Worth it for all this beautiful white furniture.

I'm currently painting two enormous wardrobes in ASCP Old White and then at 10am today I have a customer's hutch being delivered as well. I've spent half the night juggling the logistics in my head. I need a factory!

Fiona xx


  1. I am so awed by how it seems to make items look so distinctive and bring out details. I am also interested in items that has a bit of color hinted in highlights, especially turquoises.

  2. Hi Fiona, how much is the French sofa, as is please?


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