Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shabby Blue Paint Begone

A lovely customer who bought one of my pieces recently also asked me to transform her little dressing table.

She really needed that blue paint to go.

Did you notice I didn't watermark this!
At the risk of offending someone, why did the person who originally painted this think it was a good look?

Now that's heavily distressed.

Well, I'd be distressed too if I looked like this! 
ha ha, furniture jokes...

Actually I saw the same finish on a beautiful little chest of drawers last week at auction. I would have loved to get my hands on the chest and paint it way more simply. Unfortunately it sold to someone else who will sell it as is for $585. It makes me realise how cheap my painted furniture is in comparison.

Anyway for this dressing table, we decided on a cream colour (Dulux Magnolia). Danielle wanted to use the same handles and they look good with the soft cream. I have not used cream paint much before I was pleasantly surprised by Magnolia. Not too yellow, not too peachy.

It's all back at Danielle's house now, waiting a few weeks for the paint to cure before she uses it again. She has lots of lovely perfume bottles she lines up on the glass shelf. Very pretty

Do you have a piece of furniture crying out for a paint transformation?  Why not give it a few coats of paint and totally change its look. Here are my tips for painting furniture or if you are not into DIY, feel free to email me for a quote if you are local.

Fiona xx


  1. It looked so ugly before and strange too! I love Dulux Magnolia - it's a beautiful colour that I've used on interior walls where I used to live. That little piece looks so pretty now - and the handles are so cute.

    1. Thanks Petra, I don't usually use cream bug I do love how gentle this colour is and will definitely use it again.

  2. Oh my ... That was distresses? That looked like a disaster but, after you performed your magic it is a lovely piece... Love the handles they are perfect... Have a great rest of the day Fiona..... Carhy

    1. Yes it was a disaster wasn't it. Clean lines for me anytime!!

  3. oh my lord, what a beauty!!!! so unique! love this piece!

    1. It's sweet isn't it, originally it would have had a round mirror above it . Very Art Deco

  4. Now that is one ugly blue paint job & looks really great now!

  5. Whoa that was fairly hideous before! Looks great now and Magnolia looks like a lovely colour.

    1. Actually while I was painting it I thought of you. It's a beautiful colour for your furniture.
      At auctions this morning. Not sure why as have so much consulting work due tomorrow COB. The great procrastinator

  6. Stunning job Fiona,

  7. Lovely job - what a nice piece. I was wondering if you actually sanded it all back before you painted it in the magnolia?


    1. thanks Karen, I actually gave it a good sand and then painted another colour first but the undertone was too olive so I then went and bought the magnolia and painted it with that.

  8. A great proof of the magic of paint. It looks beautiful and very neat painting.
    have a lovely week Fiona
    Adele xx

  9. SO pretty all creamy white! I"m featuring it in this week's Power of Paint Party - thanks for linking up!

    1. thanks so much for the feature Maryann, love your party x


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