Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ASCP Aubusson Blue Empire Cabinet

I love muted turquoise on furniture - much better than bright or light blue, and have painted several pieces with a lovely tin of oops paint I found at Bunnings about three years ago. A few months ago I finished the tin of paint and have been thinking I needed to source another turquoise. Last week I realised that ASCP Aubusson is a beautiful colour for my painted furniture range.

Aubusson Blue is a very french blue, named by Annie Sloan after the French town where tapestries are made, harking to the blue of the fabrics. I personally love the muddiness of it. 

I had this little Empire style cabinet to paint and thought the ASCP Aubusson would be a perfect colour for it. The mahogany is a great base for this turquoise/peacock blue. At first I thought this cabinet might be hard to paint but those metal pieces that hold the empire style rod on the sides just were nailed in and were quite easily removed with a little force.

Initially I thought of painting this in two colours but then decided against it as thought the cabinet was decorative enough - I don't like things that are too busy. I gave it two coats of ASCP, a coat of oil then a couple of coats of wax and sanded till it was silky smooth with a little distressing on the high points.

Here's an in progress shot - it's been lovely painting out in the garden - we have a shade sail over my work table so it doesn't get too hot there.

And a side by side comparison - before and after. 
I think this would make a lovey cabinet for a boys room - or a great bedside table - imagine lego set up on that shelf. It is for sale if you are interested. Dimensions are : 66cm wide, 38cm deep and 80cm tall. Single drawer, cupboard and shelf (pop a basket in there)

Hope you are having a good week
I've been a little slow responding to blog comments but will be on top of that soon, sorry. Thank you for your comments and for reading here.



  1. Replies
    1. it's such a rich beautiful colour Cassie - so glad i gave it a whirl

  2. Stunning, you should keep this for your son.

    1. I was thinking that but I'll see if it sells first. thanks Hannah
      Fiona x

  3. What a pretty, little cabinet! I forget about how beautiful Aubusson Blue is!

  4. I love Aubusson Blue, just painted a chair in it last week. It's one of my staple colors. I love your cane chair too, and your photography is beautiful!

    1. thank you Melanie, I know how beautiful is the colour. so rich. much appreciated xx


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