Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Feeling inspired

If a change is as good as a holiday then an actual holiday is even better. Well that doesn't make grammatical sense but you know what I mean. The last month or so I've been having moments of wondering what I'm doing with my business. My shoulders have been aching from painting so much and my right hip is sore from the awkward position I sit in all day painting. I'm seeing a wonderful osteo who is fixing it all but I have to work out how to paint and not get sore.  I was also offered an amazing opportunity (can't talk about it now, sorry for being mysterious) but have had to fore go it for the time being because of family priorities. This along with a few other things have just made finding treasures and painting furniture not the pure joy I usually derive from it all.

Anyway after a lovely dinner on Tuesday with my gorgeous friend Sandy and a visit to her beautiful shop Paint Me White yesterday, I am not only loaded up with Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan, I am afresh with inspiration. She said she was feeling the same after her recent getaway. Sometimes you really do need to step away from what you are doing to get some new ideas and feel happy with it all again. 

As well as 18 tins of paint, some waxes, and other painting supplies for my business, I also bought these beautiful goodies below from her for our house. How could I resist? 

I have one of these French grain sack cushions at home that I've bought from Sandy a few years ago and I love it and move it between chairs so I decided a second one wouldn't go astray. The rattan tray is for our coffee table, to gather magazines and remotes and candles in and I love the feather wreath. I'll find a spot for it I'm sure. 

While I was at Sandy's shop, Phil and the kids did the high wire course at Currumbin bird sanctuary and apparently it was really hard. High ropes over the crocodile pit.  So glad I opted out :) Poor Sasha was in tears in one section but soldiered on bravely. Jonty of course just raced ahead and completed it all in no time. He never is fearful.  Phil has not stopped talking about how proud he is of the kids. He's a good dad. 

Now I'm feeling happy and keen to get back to work...that is , after a few more days at the beach...

The furniture photos I've included are some pieces I painted last year and loved. 

I've got some lovely pieces at home waiting my paint brush and now have loads of beautiful colours including some new ones for me. Can't wait. 

Fiona xx


  1. I love the cabinet and chair in that first photo! So pretty!!

  2. Never give up painting Fiona - I just love your work and style. My daily inspiration.

  3. Fiona, I'm a bit older than you and felt the same way at the start of the year - physically pained from the positions I had to adopt to paint. I popped out to Bunnings and picked up a couple of saw horses (2 for $50? or around that figure). I then just built a rim/edge around the edges of the wood, (few pieces of thin wood nailed and glued on), which will stop the furniture item from being pushed off the flat wooden platform. Now I put the furniture at a more comfortable height to work at, and life is much nicer! No more cold, hard floors.Obviously there are times when someone needs to help me lift the item I'm working on, but mostly I can pick them up myself, as long as I align the saw horses with the feet of the item. Alternatively lift and position one end on the saw horse, then go to the other end and repeat.I've thought of buying a couple of hydraulic jacks and building a more technical platform, but this works very well. Another idea I had was to put some castors under the feet of the item, so it can easily be moved into better light/out of the way/rotated easily. Again, I picked up these small 3 wheeled castor thingies from Bunnings, and at around $10 each, they've been brilliant. I can't tell you how often I've said to the hubby, "I'm so glad I bought them!". These two small idea, which were quite cheap, have really made so much difference to the comfort level, and therefore the enjoyability (real word???), of refinishing furniture. Hope this helps!
    Cheers, Liz.

  4. I'm so glad you are feeling inspired once again. Love your work and check your blog daily. Such beautiful creations.

  5. Hi Fiona, is it possible for me to visit your shop or speak on the phone regards see if you can paint some furniture for me. Kind regards Bob

  6. You are truly inspirational Fiona! I actually get excited when I see the Lilyfield Life posts amongst my emails & really look forward to seeing what wonderful projects you have completed, the always interesting finishes & colours you have painted your beautiful objects & the amazing things you have done with your own home.

    Life & work is a challenge at the best of times, and to find the inspiration to push on can sometimes be daunting. You have now found your sweet spot so that is fantastic... Keep up the great work & just know you give a lot of people immense pleasure with the things YOU do.

    Lilyfield Life Rocks!!

    Cheers Tina


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