Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In the works

Good morning! As I write this post, my living room walls are going up and a 300 kilo steel beam, that will support the upstairs of the house, is being levered onto steel posts. I have to head off to do another onsite custom painting job but I wanted to stick around for a little while to see the builders hoist the steel beam into place. It's all looking fabulous, amazing and rather large.

Today I'm just sharing a couple of projects that I've been working on. I have several pieces of furniture scattered around the place that I am working on concurrently. I find that this is a much more productive way to work rather than painting one piece fully and then starting on the next.

I love the shape of this cupboard. It's massively heavy and has some beautiful details that i hope to enhance and give justice to with paint. Below you can see it in progress with it's first coat of a custom mix pale putty colour. This piece will be for sale. (although Phil says he wants to keep it so we'll see)

I've also just finished these side tables for my neighbour. She's decorating her guest bedroom and wanted a pop of colour. I'll share a full before and after post with details later this week.

I am also painting an umbrella stand and a marble topped sideboard for Nicole (who bought the black hall table I posted recently about). Nicole is loving the black finish I do so these are also going black. How nice is this heart detail on the umbrella stand?

Finally the best part of my week (even though ti's only Tuesday) was finishing painting Marianne's hutch. When the lead light doors and new handles are on I'll share a full detailed post and photos but wow I love this transformation.

I've finished my morning coffee and will go check on that beam now. I'm about to start painting another huge hutch but this time in a lovely pale taupe so hopefully it doesn't take as long as Marianne's.  I need a good neck massage already I can tell you!

I'll post photos soon of progress of the above buffet hutch - this one is for my friend Kristen. She asked me to find her one for her new house and within ten minutes I'd found her one, bought it the next day for a great price and then had my delivery guys pick it up and bring it to her house a few days later. Love a quick turn around. Now just to get it painted so Kristen can finish her unpacking.

have a good day. 
Fiona xx


  1. I really don't like that orangy colour pine wood that a lot of furniture is made from so painting that would not be a problem for me, but when I see furniture made from oak I must admit I would find it really hard to paint it...I love wood! The hutch with the lead light windows I think if I am honest I prefer in the wood, so I cant wait to see what it looks like with the windows and handles back on!

  2. Hey Fiona, firstly all the best with the reno so exciting, so disturbing, but well worth the inconvenience.
    I have a buffet hutch to do sooner than later, a few house guests first then into it, have you undercoated by painting (brush) or spraying, looking good so far can't wait to see the end result, oh Fiona if only I couldn't paint...never mind I can so stop complaining and get cracking (self talk) very much needed.
    Thanks for the detail of your blog, love looking at your work and the transformation of 'tired' furniture.
    Lyn, Brisbane


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