I've got just the place for you....
Years ago when we were living London (before kids) I worked at an amazing entrepreneurial company. It was a tight knit team doing incredible work with major companies. The company was one of the forerunners of the mCommerce industry and it was probably the most exciting role of my career.
Anyway fast forward 10 years and I'm now back in Sydney being a mummy, running my own business consultancy and painting furniture. I'm still good friends with most of the team but we are now scattered around the world. I recently caught up the with company's co-founder, Jon, and he's living in France looking after his family property, La Plissonnais.
La Plissonnais is a stone-built 17th Century Norman farm and it has 3 houses on it available for rent at very reasonable prices. I thought I'd share some of the photos.
Jon's parents and dog
So if you are in Normandy and looking for a getaway please feel free to contact Jon via the website and let him know Fiona sent you! I'm sure he'll make you feel very welcome.
cheers Fiona
PS It's for sale also if you feel like a complete sea-change....
Oh nice!