Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day and Pinning White

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you've got someone to share some love with.

We don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day - firstly because we both think it's a bit commercial and naff; and secondly because our wedding anniversary is tomorrow.

But I thought I'd just change our room a bit to give my husband a surprise when he gets home. 

I still need to paint my nightstands...

Mind you, I fell backwards off the bed while I was doing this and thought (as I was lying on the floor in a lot of pain) that I'd re-broken that wrist again....it's stopped hurting now so all ok but my bottom is bruised!)

On Pinterest I've started a new board labelled White Spaces. It's already attracting a lot of attention. I guess so many of us love the freshness that a white room brings.  If you're interested follow it here:  White Spaces 

Here is some of the loveliness that I've pinned:  

This ceiling is to die for....

I love this Oak table surrounded by all that white

Possibly my favourite lounge room of all time 

or perhaps it's this one...

Martha, of course, makes it look effortless

Not sure about the lace tablecloth but love me a white french chair

Divine white nursery. 
I love that mirror...and the armoire... and the chandelier

 (all sources here)

Hope you have a lovely day!

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  1. Lovely white inspiration. Glad your wrist has stopped hurting. You'll have to get your valentine to kiss it better tonight.
    Carolyn xx

  2. Gorgeous pics, and Happy Wedding Anniversary! (You are meant to save the somersaults off the bed for when your hubby is in there with you, hehehe ;)

    I couldn't agree with you more about the total naffness of Feb 14th, I find it cringeworthy!

    Enjoy your day :)

    xx Karen

  3. i love all those dreamy white spaces! and your bedroom is beautiful- love the pillows and the chalkboard!

  4. I just found you. White is my favorite color. I have a blog, but.I'm new to this and havent shown my style and home yet. I hope I'll be up and ready by the middle of March. In the mean time I just wanted you to know I'm a new follower. Love your post.

  5. Your bedroom is beautiful. Those pillows are so sweet! I love all of the dreamy white inspiration too! :)


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