I thought I was improving but when I showed this painting to Phil, he said "Nice, but I can't tell what it is..." (in case you can't either it's a bed with an upholstered bed head, next to a window, with blue and white striped sheets and lots of pillows)
and another bedroom below.
I love the moodiness that painting with a limited palette of French Ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna gives.
And of course I had to share some of Jan's brilliance. I love this chair of hers. It makes me want to snuggle up with a good book and a coffee.
Here is one of our inspiration paintings.
I've had a great week furniture sales wise. My French table and chairs sold to the nicest couple on Saturday. They came on Sunday morning to pick it up and we ended up spending about 2 hours with them drinking coffee and talking about life! So thanks Keith and Nerin, I hope you have many a happy time sitting down together at your new table.
I also sold the lovely carved white night stands, the white chest of drawers and i have three buyers coming to look at the desk this week. I also sold 6 of the 11 un-upholstered French Louis chairs that I was going to do up. I was quite happy to let them go as to upholster all 11 chairs by myself is one huge job. So the house is much nicer without all that furniture jammed in.
And today is the last day of summer, and guess what... it's raining just like it has pretty much all summer long....
have a lovely week
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